This list was originally posted in the ‘Ex Pentecostal Forum’ in July 2007. _here_
(I have included some additions that were in the comments section of the post.)
It was also posted in the ‘Post WCG Life and Theology’ blog in January 2008. _here_
I do not wish to offend any members of Pentecostal Churches. It is the pastors and the leaders who use well-known mind control methods that we need to be concerned about.
Ex COG people may also recognize some of the phrases.
Part one is _here_
[extract starts]
“Pentecostal Christianese Translator”
1 - After “Joe” leaves the church it is said of him: “Oh, Joe wouldn’t let us pastor him”.
Means: Joe wouldn’t submit enough and let us control/manipulate him.
2 - “Baptized in the Holy Spirit.”
Means: They spoke in tongues at least once, so now they have our stamp of approval. We expect you to believe that this altered state of consciousness is totally controlled by God, and that it only happens in a Christian culture.
3 - “Bitterness.”
Means: The state of mind of anyone who would dare question the pastor’s supreme authority.
4 - “Blaming Christianity.”
Means: This is a common accusation that spiritual abusers make against their victims who try to hold them accountable for their actions.
5 - “Contagious.”
Means: A phrase used by my former spiritually abusive pastor to label anyone who might encourage followers to think for themselves.
6 - “Dance in the Spirit.”
Means: It’s Ok to dance a jig in church, so long as we believe that God gives the moves. Just move your feet, silly. We’ll supply the music. Better not have a human partner!
7 - "Dismiss us from this service, but not from your presence" at the end of prayer.
Means: Yeah I maybe letting you out of the building, but you still belong to us and don't you forget it!
8 - "Don't you want what God has for you?"
I usually got that one when I didn't go down front to pray with everyone else or if I didn't do something the way they wanted me to. Finally, I told one of them, "I want what God has for me, I just don't want what you have for me." Of course, they looked at me confused. I mean how could ‘what they wanted’ not be what God wanted?
9 - "Evangelising."
Means: bothering poor innocent people who really aren't interested to give them the "good news" that they have a choice between hell and slavery to our church.
10 - “Filled with the Holy Spirit.”
See: “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”
11 - “Gifts of the Spirit.”
Means: Well Ok, there are more than one, but WE only want you to speak in tongues. It keeps the service more lively and impresses others, especially visitors.
12 - “Give as giving unto the Lord.”
Means: We need the money more than you do.
13 - "God has a wonderful plan for YOUR life."
Means: Just make sure it fits with OUR plan otherwise it's not from God.
14 - "God has put you on my heart."
Means: I heard some gossip about the problems in your personal life and I want to get the full story from you first-hand.
15 - “God put it on my heart.”
Means: I really want to tell you this (or really want to do this) and if I just say I WANT to, you’ll be able to tell me why I shouldn’t, but if I tell you GOD SAID then you can’t argue with it, can you?
16 - "I have a burden to see you saved."
Means: I am going to harass you non-stop until you get saved.
17 - “I love you in the Lord.”
Means: I CAN’T STAND you in the natural (secular)!
18 - “I wonder if some of you are even saved!”
Means: Your assurance of salvation should not be based in your acceptance of the sacrifice that Jesus made at Calvary, but rather in adhering to my every demand - and that has been brought into question!
19 - “I’ll pray for you.”
Means: Too bad about your situation - glad it’s not me. Glad I don’t REALLY have to do anything to help - see ya!
20 - “I’m blessed.”
Means: Life sucks, but I have my head buried in the sand and am avoiding all issues in my life in favor of seeking after religious experiences.
21 - “I’m discerning an attitude!”
Means: I am about to [abuse you] in public to make you an example of what happens to anyone who crosses me.
22 - “I’m getting ready to read somebody’s mail.”
Means: I want you to think I have psychic powers and can read your mind.
23 - “Jesus came to bring a sword.”
Means: I want you to cut off your family and friends and become co-dependent on me.
24 - “Nominal Christian.”
Means: Normal Christian, not one with super-gifts. Those in other churches. Not one of us because we know we are more holy and could teach them some things!
25 - “OF God.”
Means: What we perceive as good… looks holy.
26 - “OF Satan.”
Means: What we perceive as bad… looks evil.
27 - “OF the flesh.”
Means: Anything people do that we just don’t think is right. (Oh, Grey area!, but more black than white.) Watch out! Satan is lurking…
28 - “Praise and Worship.”
What’s the difference? ….oh yeah…. we had some teaching about the difference from time to time so you could tell when you were praising and when you were worshiping!
29 - “Pray through.”
Means: Pray till you start shaking and acting crazy.
30 - “Sanctify your emotions.”
Means: Turn off your brain and let me do the thinking for you.
31 - “Slain in the Spirit.”
Means: We knock them down & expect you to believe God did it. Side note: Someone stands behind them to help them fall easy. This is our insurance policy, so there’s no personal injuries, hence no lawsuits.
32 - “The Bible doesn’t have anything to say about votes, ballets, etc.”
Means: I am in total control & you will have no say-so.
33 - “This is not a democracy - it’s a theocracy.”
Means: I am in total control here. Whatever I say goes.
34 - “Touch not mine anointed.”
Means: Do what I say without questioning.
35 - “Truth is not always the truth if it is not spoken in love.”
Means: You are in sin if you say anything bad about us!
36 - "We missed you."
Means: "We want to make you feel guilty for missing the prayer meeting."
37 - "We must have regular fellowship."
Means: You better come to every meeting so we can keep an eye on you and continue to “brainwash” you.
38 - "We need to pray for....."
Means: This is my holy and pious excuse for telling you personal things about them so we can slander them.
39 - “We should all speak the same thing.” (based on 1 Cor 1:10)
Means: Always agree with the leadership, anything else is strife or rebellion.
40 - “Yeah, and the Lord would say to thee…”
Means: I’m getting ready to give you your marching orders.
41 - "Yield to the leading of the Lord."
Means: I want to see plenty of people talking in gibberish.
42 - “You are ‘out of your place’ in the spirit.”
Means: You are not complying 200% to my every command.
43 - “You have an independent spirit.”
Means: You have begun to think for yourself again - now stop it, or else!
[extract ends]
Grok 3 Trusts The Government
1 hour ago
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